We spent a bit of family time today using our new froe to make cedar shingles for outbuildings that will (hopefully) be erected throughout this upcoming spring and summer. We have a lot of building projects to raise on this new homestead: a small barn, chicken coop, tool shed, greenhouse, rabbit housing, and perhaps more as needed…
Historically, I have been known to wimp out after fifteen minutes of hand tool use, but, unexpectedly, I really enjoy using a froe. That satisfying rip, rip, then pop! and the shingle is there, ready to accompany a beautiful and functional roof or siding. Oh, and the smell of the cedar as we got deeper into the core. Such a sweet and grounding scent.
Lars took a pretty active role in our afternoon project by bedding down on many of the shingles and taking "a nap". I guess it was that wet, cold wood or perhaps the comforting smell? Who knows…Two-year-olds have some pretty interesting ideas. So with enough shingles to complete the roof of the chicken coop, we can hopefully continue on the long-overdue chicken tractor that has been in the works since last fall. Good thing, too, because we've got twenty little chicks arriving on the 27th!
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