Monday, October 6, 2014

Last of the Bare Bottomed Days

I don't know about you, but I love little baby buns! The summer has given Lars some much needed diaper-free time and given me a break from diaper washing every two days. Sadly though, those days are coming to an end shortly. I find a three to four hour window every so often, but the days are becoming significantly more chilly and that means back to diapering…
Honestly, I'm weary of the whole diaper thing. It's time for toilet training soon but I'm not exactly sure where to start. With so many alternative theories and methods out there for this next developmental period it seems daunting to start. I suppose the real challenge lies in making time. October is historically the busiest month of the year. Half a dozen birthdays, canning like crazy, gathering firewood, and the list goes on and on and on. One day at a time, I know, I know. But somedays it feels like the projects are never going to all get done. For now, I'll enjoy my (not so little) baby buns for a few more weeks of sun and warmth.

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